Greening Stoneybatter Strategy

Architecture Office Urban Agency Architects

Typology Co-Design, Public Consultation, Public Realm

Location Stoneybatter, Dublin, Ireland

Client Dublin City Council

Status Completed, 2020

The project started in 2019 with a consultation process in  Stoneybatter, a Dublin neighbourhood with a strong community, to co-design solutions for increasing access and availability of green space, trees and nature. The process spanned over eight months, during which Urban Agency was involved as public-realm designers, in collaboration with an ecologist and under the coordination of Dublin City Council Parks Department.

The final report sets out the conclusion of this collaboration which involved more than 250 participants and generated 41 firm ideas from local residents and community groups, as well as key projects identified by the design team.

I was involved in the project as Architecture Team Lead, leading meetings with residents, the Council, stakeholders and politicians. As the main architect in the project, I drafted the overall masterplan and high-level strategy, and produced a design proposal for selected project areas.



Drawings and diagrams: Francesca Tassi Carboni, Urban Agency

Maps & Posters: Francesca Tassi Carboni, Paul Guinan

Document text: Suzanne O’Connell (Dublin City Council), Francesca Tassi Carboni